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The Glendoveer Men's League is an inclusive group of men with similar golf interests and a desire for fun and fair competition. We strive to provide challenging golf to members of all skill levels. The League also provides an opportunity to gain knowledge of the rules of the game and to help us all keep up on future changes in the rules of play.
Glendoveer Golf & Tennis provides a guaranteed block of tee times on Sunday mornings. Start times depend on the time of year and weather conditions. Normally on Sunday games we contribute $10.00 to a payout pot that is distributed among winners. So come join our League and play with us!
How to join Glendoveer Men’s Club!
Just download and fill out a copy of the membership form.
Stop in the Pro Shop and submit your application with a payment.
You can pay with a check, cash, or Card.
Who: ALL levels of golf welcome.
When: Sunday Morning Tee Times | Year-Round.
Cost: Membership Dues:
Full - $100 GHIN, Hole-in-One, All Tournaments, etc.
Associate - $60 GHIN ONLY + Daily Games.
Junior (under 17 years) - $40 GHIN ONLY.
Extra Savings: GMC Members Only
Pay an annual $125 and get green fees for half price + small bucket of range balls when playing in Men's Club events.
Includes Oregon Golf Association membership and benefits plus a USGA World Golf Handicap index
4 Tournaments throughout the year & a Club Championship in late Spring.
Tournament Fees: $20 Per Tournament
No Fee for the Club Championship



2025 Board Nominations
Jeff Schwartz Past President Kevin Tucker President
Tom Lee Vice President and Tournament Chair Zane Mills Secretary
Mark Strandholm Treasurer Howie Smith OGA Director
Charlie Lucero GG & Web Support Ed Pederson Member at Large
Rodger Jarmer Handicap Chair and Daily Game Chair

The yearly calendar will be released in January. If the weather cooperates, the games will be individual NET in January and February. Check out some facts on the new World Golf Handicapping System here: New World Golf Handicapping System
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